Friday, November 18, 2011

Addes Pilaf (Persian Rice and Lentils)

Almost every culture seems to have its own version of lentils and rice.  One of my favorites is Persian.


8 ounces long-grain rice
Ground lamb
2 ounces raisins
2 large onions, chopped
2 -3 tablespoons olive oil
Salt and black pepper to taste
Plain yogurt

Rice may be soaked or not, depending on preference.  Cook according to usual directions, with about 2 to 1 water to rice.
Wash lentil and cook in about 3 cups of salted water.
Cook over medium heat for about 15-20 minutes until tender.
Peel and thinly slice onions, and fry in olive oil until golden brown.  Set aside.
Sauté ground lamb in a bit of oil with salt and black pepper for about 10 minutes.
Wash raisins and dates.
In a separate pot, place half the cooked rice.  Add the fried ground lamb, along with the chopped raisins and dates.  Add the remaining rice, place over the heat and mix well.  Heat thoroughly, about 15 minutes.
A variation on the above is to serve the components separately, beginning with white rice, then the lentils, then the ground lamb, then the fried onions, on top of which place a dollop of yogurt.  Heaven knows no bounds!

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